English Version

Dr. Janez Potočnik

European Commissioner for the Environment
Directorate General for the Environment
European Commission
B-1049 Bruxelles


Dr. Susanna Louhimies
Policy Officer- Use of animals for scientific purposes
Directorate General for the Environment
Unit 3
European Commission
B- 1049 Bruxelles


Minister of Health of Italy
On. Beatrice Lorenzini

Minister of EU Affairs of Italy
On. Enzo Moavero Milanesi

Minister of the University and Scientific Research of Italy
On. Maria Chiara Carrozza

Subject: Implementation in Italy of EU Directive 63-2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific research in Italy. Art. 13, Law n. 96/2013.

Dear Dr. Potočnik:

We are writing to share our concerns on the criteria approved by the Italian Parliament concerning the implementation of the European Directive 2010/63 on the protection of laboratory animals in Italy.

As a scientific community we have approved and supported the decision to generate an harmonized approach shared by the whole Community.  The European discussion has lasted almost a decade and has led to a well-balanced compromise between the demands of animal welfare and the interests of research.

This well balanced compromise has been challenged by the Italian Parliament with
severe risks for the future of biomedical research in the country.

We ask you to help re-balance the discussion by warning the Italian Government that the Parliament has approved decisions is in violation of art. 2 of Directive EU 63-2010. If transformed into a legislative decree by the Government,  those decisions  will make the Italian law much more severe and restrictive than the EU Directive.

Specifically we ask you to convince the Italian Government to implement in Italy the EU Directive 63-2010 as the UE Parliament and Commission have licensed it. This will require the rejection of the Art. 13 of the national law of implementation of the EU Directives for 2013 (Legge di delegazione europea 2013, n. 96, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, Serie generale n. 194, 20/08/2013, into force since 04/09/2013).

The different paragraphs of art. 13 of the above mentioned law contains a severe limitation to the use of cats, dogs and non-human primates for basic research, limitations in the re-use of animals of any nature previously employed in procedures classified as of “moderate” severity, prohibition of research on non-anaesthetized animals, limitation in the use of genetically modified animals, a ban of animal experiments on xenotransplantation and drug addiction, a ban of animal breeding centers in the national territory.

We trust that the strict control and ethical review mechanisms proposed by the EU Directive are the most effective mechanisms to prevent unnecessary and unjustified pain and suffering for animals. The Italian scientific community is very supportive of this strict review process but opposes any total bans, as fully inappropriate to regulate the complexity of biomedical research, and liable to damage it severely without adding significant benefits to animal welfare.

In the interest of biomedical research in Italy, we ask you to follow our recommendations and help us obtain a new and well balanced Italian animal welfare legislation, in line with the European directive.

Yours sincerely,

Fabio BenfenatiProfessor of Physiology, University of Genova

Giovanni BerlucchiProfessor Emeritus of Physiology, University of Verona 

Roberto CaminitiProfessor of Physiology, University of Rome SAPIENZA, Chair, Committee of Animals in Research (CARE), Federation of the European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)

Enrico CherubiniProfessor of Physiology, SISSA, Trieste, President of the Italian Society of Neuroscience (SINS)

Francesco ClementiProfessor Emeritus of Pharmacology, University of Milan, and National Council of Research, Milan

Gaetano Di ChiaraProfessor of Pharmacology, University of Cagliari

Silvio GarattiniDirector, Institute for Pharmacological Research Mario Negri, Milan

Jacopo MeldolesiProfessor Emeritus of Pharmacology, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, past President of the Italian Federation of Life Sciences

Giacomo RizzolattiProfessor Emeritus of Physiology, University of Parma

Carlo ReggianiProfessor of Physiology, University of Padua, President of the Italian Physiological Society

Piergiorgio StrataProfessor Emeritus of Physiology, University of Turin


Modulo di adesione

Dr. Janez Potočnik


13,475 signatures



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Ultime sottoscrizioni
13,475Maria Antonietta Farina Roms
13,474Roberta GardiniBolognaOperatore Socio Sanitario
13,473Nicola GioffredoRoma
13,472Daniele RotatoriTarquiniaMUSiCA
13,471Anna SlavieroGuildfordsenior teaching fellow e veterinario designato
13,470Ginevra D'OttavioLanciano66034
13,469Gregorio BergonziMilanoStudente in Medicina e Chirurgia
13,468Patrizio MeleBariLaureando (CTF)
13,467Silvia Toce
13,466Fulvio PonzioNapoliLaureando magistrale in Biologia Molecolare - Ricercatore Tesísta presso TIGEM di Pozzuoli
13,465Francesca Di PompeoRoma
13,464Michela LeoneFabrianoStudentessa in sicurezza delle Produzioni Animali
13,463Enea MelandriRavennablogger
13,462Angelo RosanioCagliariVeterinario ASL S.I.A.P.Z.
13,461Emanuela Francesca MarraroPaternòStudentessa Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche
13,460Giorgia TosoniBresciaStudentessa di Biotecnologie
13,459Tiziano ManciniLugoImpiegato
13,458Gennaro PorzioPompei
13,457eleonora bardipaviadottoranda
13,456Francesco Simonellitolentinodisabile

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